Learn Hebrew Fast
Practical Hebrew - Fast Results
My approach is practical and focused
on communication.
I specialize in fast progress.
My students speak significantly better within a few weeks,
since my technique is completely different from that of other programs / teachers.
Have been studying Hebrew and still can't speak easily?
Do you travel often and need a Hebrew teacher that can accommodate your crazy schedule?
I am certain I can help you improve fast.

About Me
I am a 45-year-old Hebrew teacher.
I teach complete beginners as well as advanced students.
I live in Tel Aviv and have been teaching my students here and all over the world via Skype for 15 years.
I love teaching. I teach for a living and do that professionally and seriously.
Many of my students come to me after 5 years (and even 10 years...) of studying Hebrew at various schools or with other teachers.
They are frustrated because they are still not fluent and confident in Hebrew.
My focus is on conversation from the first second of our class.
You will be putting sentences together as in a real life situation.
You will practice translating various types of sentences from English to Hebrew to gain the ability as well as the self-confidence so that you can manage in all situations on your own, without needing help with Hebrew.
I teach all my students via Skype.
It is highly effective.
I write all the vocab in the Skype chat, we master all the new sentences together and by the end of the first class you understand and speak much better already.
Each class we converse more, until you are fluent.
Recently I have been working with a couple from the USA who could not converse at all. After approximately 15 hours of Hebrew, we talk about their life, about their sons and their work. It is so amazing for me to witness.
I can also refer you to another lovely student of mine who now speaks Hebrew fluently and reads 'Haaretz' newspaper in Hebrew.
After 12 years of teaching I do not need to spend our precious time on assessing your level etc ...
We will just start studying.
Looking forward to make the
fluent Hebrew magic -
help you become fluent and confident in Hebrew fast.
If you are serious about becoming fluent within a couple of months, you are welcome to set up a class.

Contact Me
Looking forward to make the fluent Hebrew magic - help you become fluent and confident in Hebrew soon.
If you are serious about becoming fluent within a couple of months, you are welcome to set up a class.
You are also welcome to PM me on my Facebook page.

A few tips to boost your
self-confidence in Hebrew
Don't freeze, Be creative!
I encourage you all not to freeze when it comes to speaking Hebrew...
Even a bit of Hebrew each day is great.
Small and significant steps will reward you.
Each time you speak you get faster and more confident and people respond to you and you get challenged with listening comprehension (with the crazy Israeli speed)...
I was challenged in a similar way in Ireland, France, Germany and Tanzania!
Speak a bit of Hebrew each day - with your colleagues, with your friends at dinners...
Say to yourself:
Yes, my Hebrew isn't perfect, I make mistakes, but that's the only way to improve.
Nobody would laugh at me, on the contrary - I will gradually get more and more compliments.
Each day it will become easier and less stressful - like any other skill I mastered in my life - riding a bicycle, cooking a new dish, talking to a client at work...
Each experience will be better and I will reap the fruit of my effort very soon.
Sending you my support and appreciation!

Rethink Hebrew
Perhaps you have been studying for some time and still cannot speak...
You might be feeling very frustrated.
Perhaps you have been told it's difficult...
The truth is Hebrew is very easy to master.
I see it all the time.
It's quite a small language. Definitely in comparison to English, French, Spanish etc...
You do have the ability to communicate in Hebrew soon.
The key is motivation and seriousness.
If you are serious and want to learn Hebrew fast, you can do it within a relatively short time.